Dare to Live a Life You Love
You don’t have to be Famished to be Fabulous
/5 Comments/in Coaching, F words, Fifteen Weeks to Fabulous, Health and Fitness, Life Design, Live a life you Love, Making a difference, Mindfullness /by DaviaStop doing what doesn’t work! My objection to the word EXERCISE has been noted several times this week, always linked to my complaint about how FAT I am, and how I can never be the weight that I want to be,… blah, blah, blah, boo hoo, woe is me etc. I know I am not […]
It’s either FIXED or it’s F@&KED
/0 Comments/in Coaching, F words, Life Design, Making a difference, Mentoring /by DaviaWhy you can’t create ART or your LIFE on a blank piece of paper. Many people tell me how lucky I am to be able to draw and be creative. Most of them believe that they are not at all creative and that being so really takes something that they just don’t possess. I feel […]
/0 Comments/in F words, Making a difference /by DaviaGET YOURSELF DUSTY Be part of an amazing event in which we explore and unleash our creativity, it involves a life model and lots of colourful chalks and dust mixed with fun and laughter. 6 OCT 7pm Inside the DUST exhibition Absolutely perfect for the person who says they can’t draw, wishes they could be […]
/0 Comments/in F words, Life Design, Making a difference /by DaviaFUN is Davia McMillans’ exhibition DUST Come check it out. Dust Joel Gallery Exhibition dates 3 Oct – 11 Oct 2014 Opening Night Sat 4 Oct 5.30 -7.30pm Louis Joel Arts & Community Centre 5 Sargood Street Altona 3018
/0 Comments/in F words, Making a difference /by DaviaFire in the belly makes a huge difference.
/0 Comments/in F words, Life Design /by DaviaThe First Word. This is the very first blog post of my new blog, on my super fancy new site. Welcome one and all. Let’s get creative about LIFE together.